
Siūlome modernias izoliuotų vamzdynų sistemas, atitinkančias visus galiojančius standartus ir reikalavimus.

A close-up view of industrial equipment featuring a complex structure of metallic pipes and coils. Copper tubes are prominently visible, along with mechanical components and wiring neatly organized within a triangular frame.
A close-up view of industrial equipment featuring a complex structure of metallic pipes and coils. Copper tubes are prominently visible, along with mechanical components and wiring neatly organized within a triangular frame.
A setup of interconnected pipes and meters mounted on a brick wall, with a series of horizontal red beams. Vertical yellow pipes contrast against the red structure and the dark brick background, housing several utility meters and valves.
A setup of interconnected pipes and meters mounted on a brick wall, with a series of horizontal red beams. Vertical yellow pipes contrast against the red structure and the dark brick background, housing several utility meters and valves.
Konsultacijos projektams

Teikiame profesionalias konsultacijas šilumos ūkio rekonstrukcijos ir renovacijos projektams visoje Lietuvoje.

Greitas aptarnavimas

Mūsų tikslas – būti greičiausiu ir patikimiausiu partneriu, teikiančiu lanksčius sprendimus klientams.


Teikiame izoliacijos sprendimus šilumos ūkio projektams Lietuvoje.

Pramoniniu būdu izoliuotas PUR vamzdis

Kokybiški sprendimai šilumos sistemoms ir renovacijai.

Large yellow pipes are positioned in a parallel pattern across a hilly landscape with vegetation on either side. The pipes stretch into the distance, traversing a series of small hills. Power lines are visible above, and the area is surrounded by greenery, suggesting a rural or industrial setting.
Large yellow pipes are positioned in a parallel pattern across a hilly landscape with vegetation on either side. The pipes stretch into the distance, traversing a series of small hills. Power lines are visible above, and the area is surrounded by greenery, suggesting a rural or industrial setting.
Large industrial pipes extend through a lush, green forested area. The pipes are rust-colored and black, running parallel to each other along a narrow, cleared path in the dense vegetation. Trees and shrubs surround the area, with a distant structure visible at the far end of the pipes.
Large industrial pipes extend through a lush, green forested area. The pipes are rust-colored and black, running parallel to each other along a narrow, cleared path in the dense vegetation. Trees and shrubs surround the area, with a distant structure visible at the far end of the pipes.
Renovacijos projektai

Specializuojamės šilumos ūkio renovacijos sprendimuose ir sistemose.